2006年8月27日 星期日

看時事學英文》前功盡棄 choked and lost

■ 朱文章
一現 花無千日好
現代商品生命周期短,正如中國人說的「花無千日好」(No flower lasts for a thousand days.),和英文“The only constant is change.”有異曲同功之妙。研發人員都知道,市調接受度不高的產品,常讓優良企劃案無疾而終(the idea was stillborn或It never got off the ground.)
例:"Beta video recorders were the stillborn project that didn't get off the ground in the 80's." 「Sony推出的Beta帶只是曇花一現,最後無疾而終。」
由於市場競爭激烈,為求勝出,各廠投入龐大的研發資金,因此控管相對嚴格(in the span of control),不能讓預算像脫韁野馬(loose cannon)無法控制,產生尾大不掉(have created a mon-ster),甚至無法收拾的地步。
例:"The Kaoshiung branch seems to be doing their own thing. Have they gone beyond our span of control"「高雄辦事處不按規章辦事,難道是鞭長莫及的結果?」
"The project is uncontrollable and un-predictable like a loose cannon that might do more damage to our company."「這個案子演變至今已無法收場,處理不當反而會傷到公司本身。」
"Our boss thinks he has these great products to exploit the market, but he has created a monster." 「老闆想以新產品橫掃市場,沒想到結果不如預期,難以收場。」
保留後路 設定停損點
西諺:「通往地獄之路由善意鋪設而成」(the road to hell is paved with good intentions),勸人不要想當然耳,一頭鑽進去;投資要設定停損點,一旦「大勢已去」(the game has passed them by)就要喊停,以免讓不切實際(grand illusions)的計畫破壞全局。
例:"It's like Michael Jordan still trying to come back and play at age 65———the game has passed him by." 「喬登大帝再怎麼厲害,也不可能65歲時還稱霸籃壇,畢竟時不我予。」
"He has grand illusions about opening his own car dealership." 「他希望開設汽車賣場,是不切實際的想法。」
勝敗乃兵家常事,但常有局面大好,卻在最後關頭功虧一簣的戰況,孫子兵法提到:「夫戰勝攻取,而不修其功者凶,命曰費留。」就像王建民完封對方在望,最後一棒沒有處理好,被擊出再見全壘打逆轉,最令人扼腕。英文形容這種大逆轉為"choked and lost",像食物鯁在喉頭,會要人命。
例:"They were ahead 6-1 in the 9th inning. But then they choked and ended up losing the game." 「九局上半他們還以六比一領先,誰知道最後以大逆轉結束比賽。」
泰然處之 下台靠智慧
果真前功盡棄,應該如何善後?當前政壇有一句「上台靠機會,下台靠智慧」(It was good fortune landing the role and good wisdom knowing when to retire from it. )
從保存實力的積極面看,也是善策。有時抬轎子的人不願坐轎子的人下來,老想繼續再戰。貓王紅極一時,每當演唱會結束,歌迷仍然不走,主辦單位只好宣布「貓王已經離開這棟樓了」(Elvis has left the building.),用這句話趕人。得知前功盡棄,最好全身而退,保存實力,才能東山再起。英文"keep your chin up"不是抬起下巴以45度角看人,而是「泰然處之」,看起來才是失意時正確的應對。
例:" Elvis has left the building. The game is over." 「好戲結束了,大家回家去吧。」
"Things were going very badly for Jenny, but Mark reminded her to keep a stiff upper lip." 「情勢對小珍不利,但小馬提醒她泰然處之。」
【2006/08/27 經濟日報】
