■ 廖明坤(實踐大學企業管理研究所及國際貿易學系助理教授)、于卓民(政治大學商學院企業管理學系教授)
Replicating Experiences, not Stereotypes
The Hua Sheng Corporation is a Taiwanese-listed company with departments based on function: food business and chemical business. The food business department primarily produces/sells flour and barley, while the chemical business department mainly produces/sells PA and DOP. Hua Sheng has more than 300 million TWD in capital, and sales revenue of 460 million TWD.
In 1995, the company felt that the Taiwanese market had reached saturation. The market potential and low production costs in China led it to establish Chiun Shan Chemical Industrial in Shanghai (1995) and the Lu Hua Food Corporation in Shandong. (1997)
1.Hua Sheng Corporation's operating strategy in China
Generally speaking, Hua Sheng's Chinese operating strategy can be stated in the following way:
(1) Duplicate strategies that have proven successful in Taiwan, with adjustments if needed. Everything from management to marketing and R&D is based on the existing policy and protocol of Hua Sheng's Taiwanese headquarters;
(2) Major strategic and financial decisions are made by Hua Sheng's Taiwanese headquarters, while production, marketing and HR management decisions are handled locally.
(3) Headquarters monitors and controls the operations of subsidiaries by reviewing financial statements, holding regular, periodic management meetings, and sending supervisors to subsidiaries to check up on them.
2.Operating strategy results and obstacles encountered
Chiun Shan has become the biggest chemical company in its geographical area, with sales revenue of 250 million TWD and steadily growing profits. The sales revenue of Lu Hua has reached 50 million RMB, and after adjusting its operation strategies, awareness of the company has increased to the extent that it has also started to show a profit.
The two subsidiaries are located in different areas: one in Shanghai, and the other in Shandong. They are different in nature and the people in charge are of different backgrounds, so it would not necessarily be appropriate to implement the same policy for both subsidiaries. On the other hand, completely duplicating the successful Taiwanese operating strategy in China may also not always be suitable. It is therefore important to consider what operation strategy will maximize the subsidiaries' performance, while achieving synergy on a global level.
Hua Sheng employs the same management strategy for both Lu Hua and Chiun Shan. Objectively speaking, this makes it easier for headquarters to manage the subsidiaries, and helps to prevent claims that headquarters favors one over the other. On the other hand, the company could conceivably adjust its policy to reflect the differences between the subsidiaries. The question of whether to adjust company policy depends on the subsidiaries' positioning and profitability, as well as the organizational commitment of their employees.
If you were the top manager at Hua Sheng, what would you do?
(1) What factors would you take into consideration when deciding how much power (should be delegated to the subsidiaries?
2) If you decided to replicate the successful Taiwanese experience with the subsidiaries, would you replicate it exactly, or would you modify it If you choose to modify it, what would you change?
(1) The company should be cautious when replicating successful experience.
Most people would choose to replicate successful past experience in a similar situation, and many multinational enterprises do this with their overseas subsidiaries. However, expatriates sent to manage subsidiaries are often not familiar with the local culture, or lack cultural sensitivity. They often have a mindset more appropriate to their native countries when evaluating the new environment, which result in misjudgments. More often, expatriate managers form a stereotypical image of the citizens of their adopted country, and so fail to notice the differences between people. Such misconceptions often cause unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, turning an otherwise successful experience into a burden.
(2) When granting authority to overseas subsidiaries, the environment, the company, the person in charge of the company should be taken into consideration.
Successful and judicial use of authority can increase the overall performance and adaptability of a subsidiary. Multinational enterprises often have subsidiaries in many different parts of the world, and the challenges they face differ according to their geographic locations. In addition, inherent differences in resources, networks and managerial backgrounds should be taken into consideration when making decisions about authority.
(3) Progressing mentality of a multinational enterprise manager.
When a company first starts the process of internationalization, a lack in international operating experience will often lead it to base its strategies on the existing policy and strategies of headquarters. The company will duplicate management, marketing and production and R&D decisions in its overseas subsidiaries. As the subsidiaries accumulate more experience in a foreign country, the company should begin to examine the differences between them and grant them more autonomy. In the end, in order to develop global synergy, companies must learn to treat the whole world as a single market and to create the best operating strategy without relying too heavily on headquarters.
一、 成功經驗的複製要小心
管理者心態(Management orientation)
係由美國學者Howard Perlmutter(1969)所提出,他歸類多國企業的管理者在管理海外子公司時,會由母國導向(ethnocentric orientation),複製母國的一切再過渡為當地國導向(polycentric orientation),給予海外子公司充分管理自主權,到最後演進為無文化偏見,以全球宏觀角度因時因地權衡管理與決策的全球導向(geocentric orientation)。
【2005/08/28 經濟日報】