■ 朱文章 威爾許擔任奇異公司執行長20年,打造奇異傳奇,咸稱「世紀經理人」,因為他不負眾望,帶領奇異開創新局。他在退休前七年開始尋找接班人,並訂下四條件:接班人必須是公司同仁認同的領袖;竭力消除遴選過程中的政治鬥爭;董事會應該積極參與;接班人要年輕,至少能做滿十年,以承擔這個決策的長期影響。 他要董事會積極參與,是希望在制度下遴選接班人。慈禧太后以個人意志治國,史稱「垂簾聽政」。童話故事「綠野仙蹤」裏的可怕巫師,本尊是個躲在布幔後的瘦小男子。巫師事跡敗露,叫大家「不要理會窗簾後面那個人」(Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.),去掉「不」字,就變成「要人看清事情本質」。 物色人選 看清本質 接班計畫攸關全局,孫子兵法始計篇:「可與之死,可與之生,民不詭也。」可用以形容接班交棒的時候,要找出人心所歸附的人主政。因此光說不練的人(all show and no go)不應出線,董事會要看清事實本質,設法選出最佳人選(Discerning eyes can tell greatness from mediocrity. )。 例:"Pay attention to that man behind the curtain! What they don't want you to look at are the secrets that need to be revealed." 「他們千方百計遮掩事情的真相,因此大家要小心求證。」 "The appointing committee has chosen a candidate as chief executive officer. They have the discerning eyes to tell greatness from mediocrity."「遴選委員會明智地選出新任執行長。」 接班過程 不容鬥爭 威爾許接班人初選名單共有23人,四年後只剩八位。經過17種職務輪調的不斷試煉下,最後只剩三位準接班人。每人績效極為傑出,也都和威爾許有深厚交情,手心手背都是肉(It is like choosing be-tween the flesh on the back of my hand versus the flesh on the palm of my hand.),實在難以抉擇。 但威爾許仍向董事會推薦其中一人,伊梅特最後終於脫穎而出,成為接班人。伊梅特接棒後,其餘兩人離開公司,一位去掌3M,一位去掌波音,都有很好的出處,落選者不一定要屈就同一公司。古時趙國廉頗妒嫉藺相如,放話要羞辱他。藺處處禮讓,後來廉知道實情,負荊請罪(to eat his words or to eat crow ),傳為佳話。兩人將相和(put their differences aside and work toward the common goal),自此廉頗不再掣肘(hamstringing),以上都符合威爾許接班過程不能有政治鬥爭的原則。 例:"Lien Bo knew he was wrong in saying those things,so he went to Lin Xi-an Ru and ate crow." 「廉頗自知無理,於是向藺相如負荊請罪。」 "Lin Xian Ru hoped that he and Lin Bo will put aside all of their differences and work together toward the common goal." 「藺相如衷心期待與廉頗通力合作,一致對外。」 "The financial chief executive is ham-stringing the new CEO in implementing an unconventional program." 「財務主管對新老闆的嶄新施政不太配合。」 春秋時候,毛遂無人賞識(haven't made a name for himself),必須自我推薦才能出頭。威爾許積極安排人才脫穎而出的環境,不須毛遂自薦,自有活潑的選拔機制,挖掘人才。 論到出頭,美國小學棒球教練安排選手,會安排資質較差的擔任左外野手,因為打到這裏的安打較少,所以「從左外野打出一片天」(you have come out in left field),等於中文十年寒窗無人問,一舉成名天下知,「實至名歸」的意思。 例:"We don't care if you haven't made a name for yourself. If you are good, we want you." 「雖然你名不見經傳,如果你有真才實料,我們就會錄用你。」 落實政策 必須久任 "You have come out in left field, no one expected you to be a good sales rep-resentative." 「沒有人料到你的業績這麼好,你用實力證明大家都看走眼了。」 威爾許接班最後一個原則,是接班人要能久任,以落實政策,不能輕易被擊倒。五代時期,馮道輔佐四姓三君,號稱四朝宰相,無論局勢如何險惡,他總能安然度過難關。這種政治不倒翁(political tum-bler),總是能「屹立不搖」(land on their feet)。 例:"John has been able to hold onto his job even though three of his bosses have come and gone. He always manages to land on his feet."「換了三個老闆,約翰的位子仍不動如山,他就是有辦法撐過危機。」 (作者是陸軍官校語言中心主任) 【2006/07/30 經濟日報】 |
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