2005年5月8日 星期日


■ 朱文章
為保持競爭力,近7萬台灣企業、逾百萬台商西進發展,以接近市場,取得「地利」(high traffic locations)。
大陸通過反分裂法後,國民黨主席連戰擬訪問大陸,取得兩岸政策主導權。陳水扁總統訪歐返國立即發表演說,呼籲反對黨不要掉入對岸分化台灣內部向心力的陷阱。舉世滔滔湧向中國大陸之際,政府卻苦口婆心勸阻國人不要輕易西進,頗似英語形容在股市買冷門股票,或在牛市賣出、熊市買進的投資人( contrarians),亦即「反其道而行」的人。
例:"Many Taiwanese businessmen knew that when they secured the high traffic loca-tion in China that they would have plenty of business potentials." 「許多台灣生意人知道在中國卡位成功,商業前景就可看好。」
例:"The ruling party has taken a contrarian view of political agenda. It is biding its time till it is advantageous and wise to act." 「執政黨採取逆向操作的政治目標,戒急用忍,有效管理。」
政府苦勸 勿被牽著鼻子走
政府苦口婆心,是希望企業或在野黨不要掉入陷阱,以致被牽著鼻子走(led by the nose)。行政院長謝長廷說,農產品過剩銷到大陸很好,萬一現在好,明年不好,對一個行業好,不一定對大家都好,怎麼辦?英諺:「雷擊不會打到同個地方兩次」( lightning never strikes twice in the same spot),指好事不會重複發生;又云「像駝鳥將頭埋在沙中」(bury your head in the sand like an ostrich),指逃避現實,都頗能形容謝揆對時局的憂心。
例:"Don't let other people lead you around by the nose. You'll get along a lot better in life if you use your own judgment." 「不要讓別人牽著鼻子走,運用自己的判斷力,人生就會更加美好。」
例:"We got lucky when we found the spy, but lightning never strikes twice." 「抓到間諜算是我們好運,不過下次就不會再這麼走運了。」
例:"I warned the boss that we were in trouble with that sales account, but she chose to bury her head in the sand." 「我告訴老闆業務面臨困難,但她充耳不聞,逃避現實。」
播下種子 兩岸再闢新戰場
大陸提供市場,讓台灣農民獲利,猶如英文的「播下種子」(planting a seed or sowing seeds),因此政府擔心南部選票及民心流失。軍事、外交、法律交鋒之外,雙方再闢農業戰場。早年美國印地安紅人作戰,不時將耳朵貼地(keeping their ear to the ground),傾聽敵軍進展,再從容進行作戰部署。這個動作遂演變成「全面掌握最新動態」之意,用來解釋海峽兩岸之間的外弛內張關係,十分貼切。
例:"When we needed more engineers we planted the seed that we would be hiring and waited to see if there was any interest." 「我們需要僱用更多工程師,於是放出風聲,等待意者上門。」
例:"We had to keep our ear to the ground so we would know if they were going to make a move." 「我們要全盤掌握對手下一步的動向。」
例:"China could be characterized as playing rope-a-dope and intentionally exhausting the opponent by luring him into wasting his energy fighting back with blows that don't cause any harm." 「中國大陸的作為猶如倚繩戰術,以逸待勞,故意耗損對方體力,誘使對方出拳,打在身上卻完全無關痛癢。」
【2005/05/08 經濟日報】
