■ 摘自培生出版《讀金融時報學英文3》 The teaching of social enterprise or en-trepreneurship as an option in MBA pro-grammes is putting down new roots in Eu-rope and broadening its focus in its original home,the US. MBA課程的選修課「社會企業」或「企業家精神」,正在歐洲大陸扎根,並在其發源地美國擴大了內涵。 Thus the narrow definition of social enter-prise within MBA programmes - preparing students who may always have had an inter-est in the non-profit sector to join or return to it with their management antennae switched on - is being subsumed into something much bigger:recognition that the chance to make the world a better place can come from many vantage points and at any time in a student's career. 以往MBA課程中對於「社會企業」的定義已有些狹隘,目前正被一個更為寬廣的概念所取代。過去人們認為,學校只要針對那些對非營利機構感興趣、並希望有朝一日進入這些機構的學生傳授管理上的知識與技能,就算盡到了職責;而現在,人們認知到,讓世界變得更美好的目標可以通過各種途徑實現,學生在職業生涯中隨時隨地都能為改善社會出力。 In this new world, people and organisa-tions can make a positive social impact via all sorts of organisations in the non-profit, private and public sectors, and social re-sponsibility has become a byword in many organisations. 在新時代裡,個人和組織可以透過服務於非營利、私有和公共領域的各種機構,對社會產生積極的推動作用,而社會責任已經成為很多機構經常思考的問題。 The double bottom line of profitability and social impact has now to a large extent, and varying from sector to sector - entered the mainstream of business,and business schools are responding. Thomas Cooley, dean of NYU Stern School of Business, sees thinking about how business can be a positive force for social change as a key role for the school, and one that has become part of its identity. 獲利和社會影響這一雙重底線已經成為大部分主流商業社會都要面對的問題(情況則因領域而異),商學院也正展開回應。紐約大學史登商學院的院長托馬斯.庫利認為,商學院應該思考如何讓商業成為社會變革的積極推動力,這不僅是學校的重要職責,也是其價值所在。 Judging by the outcomes at HBS, which created its Social Enterprise Initiative in 1993, the schools that have introduced such electives are succeeding in their triple role of training people directly for a career in the non-profit sector, of impart-ing-knowledge to those who want some way of participating in activities that have a social impact, and of instilling a sense of citizenship in those who spend the rest of their careers in the private sector. 從哈佛商學院1993年創立社會企業發展中心以來的效果觀察,那些開設社會企業選修課的學校可以達到三方面的效果:為非營利部門培養人才、傳授知識給那些希望通過某種方式參與社會活動的人士,以及向那些棲身於私營部門的人們灌輸公民責任感。 Prof Grossman at HBS notes that, in contrast to 20 years ago when career as-pirations were simpler, students almost without exception will have multiple ca-reers."Many of them aspire to go into the social sector at some point in their career, so this is a real opportunity for them to learn about it." 哈佛商學院的格羅斯曼教授認為,與20年前相比,現在學生的職業理想不再那麼簡單,他們幾乎毫無例外地追求多重職涯。「他們當中的很多人都希望在事業的某一階段進入社會部門,所以社會企業課程對他們來說是一個絕佳的學習機會。」 European schools have a much shorter history in this field, but the very few schools that have added social en-trepreneurship electives to their MBA programmes have started with a broad in-terpretation of the theme and a desire to be different. "As a professor thinking about doing a course, the first thing you do is try not to reinvent the wheel," says Johanna Mair, the IESE professor who de-signed the Spanish school's social en-trepreneurship course. IESE was the first in Europe to have such a course in its MBA, and has run three years so far. 歐洲的學校在這方面的歷史要比美國院校短很多,但是為數不多、已經加開社會企業選修課的MBA學校從一開始就對於這個課題有著更廣義的解讀,並希望能夠另闢蹊徑。「當教授考慮開設一門課的時候,他第一件要做的事就是避免重複前人已經走過的老路。」西班牙IESE商學院社會企業課程的設計者約翰娜.梅爾說道。IESE商學院是歐洲第一個在MBA學程中開設此類課程的學校,至今已三年。 Perhaps the most encouraging aspect of all these programmes is the activity around them. As with Said's World Forum, these are among the busiest and most popular at their respective schools - from the Oxford Social Entrepreneurship Network to the US student clubs and student-run venture funds and competitions. These ensure that social enter-prise initiatives have an impact on many more students than those who take the elec-tives. 也許這些課程最令人鼓舞的就是圍繞這些課程而開展的活動。就像賽德學院的全球論壇,這些活動是學校裡最為繁忙、最受歡迎的活動之一,和牛津的社會企業家網路、美國學生俱樂部,以及由學生經營組織的創投基金和競賽一樣地活躍。這就保證了社會企業的倡議不會僅僅影響到那些選修相關課程的學生,還會影響其他人。 (本文摘自培生出版《讀金融時報學英文3—深度評論》) 【2006/10/01 經濟日報】 |
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