2006年6月18日 星期日

故弄亦虛putting up a front

■ 朱文章
檢辯攻防第一回合當中,檢察官提出十項證據,指控李泰安涉有重嫌。在檢方眼中,嫌疑人李泰安答辯無一不是謊言(speak with forked tongue或lie through one's teeth)。法院在審核新事證之後,終於在第二回合採信檢方的說法。
例:"He says he will honor the deal, but I think that he speaks with a forked tongue" 「他說絕對會遵守諾言,我倒覺得他言不由衷。」
"We can't trust him, he lies through his teeth." 「他說謊不打草稿,我們不要輕信他的話。」
老謀深算 非等閒之輩
第一回合中,法院不採「涉嫌重大」來裁定羈押,專案小組覺得合議庭「過於」保護涉嫌人的人權,太過姑息軟弱(wimps, soft或 softies, old ladies)。不過,檢方不屈不撓,終於如願達成「法網恢恢」(the long arm of law)職能。
例:"The prosecutors' messages are clear: escaping the long arm of law is no more a solution." 「檢方的立場很清楚:法網恢恢,疏而不漏。」
"Our leader would not pursue the enemy when their lines broke. He is very much a wimp." 「指揮官不乘勝追擊,真是婦人之仁。」
中國成語「不殺二毛」(have mercy on the old soldiers或do not have the killer instinct),形容戰場上不傷害頭髮發白的老兵,就是婦人之仁。李泰安之父李聚寶是個退伍老兵,在李赴高雄地檢署前,獻「草船借箭」之計給兒子。在專案小組人員眼中,李聚寶應該知情(act or play innocent),而且老謀深算(a smiling assassin),絕非等閒之輩。
例:"Even though the burglar was caught in the house he tried to play innocent." 「小偷當場被逮,還裝出一臉無辜的樣子。」
"I don't trust him at all. I think he is a smiling assassin." 「他這個人高深莫測,叫人難以相信。」
高雄地檢署抗告成立,拘捕李泰安到案,展開後續偵查動作。檢警「當機立斷」(to think on one's feet)採取行動,此舉有如羅斯福總統「低調但有效」(talk softly but carry a big stick.)策略,再接再厲,終於成功。
例:" When the vendor changed their delivery date it threw our whole schedule off, but Bill was able to think on his feet and rearrange our product introduction date." 「賣主供貨不及,打亂我們的全盤計畫。還好小畢當機立斷,把產品說明會期重新安排妥當。」
"We do not want to cause trouble with them, so we will walk softly, but carry a big stick in case they start trouble with us." 「害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無。」
兵以詐立 故弄玄虛
本案撲朔迷離,人言人殊。但如果真如檢警所稱,本案屬意圖詐取巨額保險金,而製造車禍謀財害命,則兇嫌思慮不可謂不深。孫子兵法:「兵以詐立」(In war, practice deception, and you will succeed.),又說良將帶兵之勢「其疾如風,其徐如林,侵掠如火,不動如山,難知如陰,動如雷震」(軍爭篇第七),目的就是不讓對手知道自己的真正意圖。日本戰國時代武將武田信玄將「風林火山」定為軍旗,即師法孫子故弄玄虛(put up a front)及計無遺算(air tight或bullet proof)之意。
例:"The criminals were putting up a front to try to make the police believe that they were not up to something bad." 「歹徒故弄玄虛,想誤導並鬆弛警方的注意力。」
"We know that our plan is air tight, it has no holes."「我們的計畫完善,無懈可擊。」
"They have thought of all possibilities with this plan.It is bullet proof!"「他們縝密地籌劃這個案子,到達天衣無縫的地步。」
【2006/06/18 經濟日報】
