2005年6月5日 星期日


■ 金傳蓬、魏郁禎
It was just past 10:00am, Lo Chung-chiang, a senior product research and development manager of Victory Computer, bumped into his colleague, Chen Wei-ming, as he stepped out of the lift.
“Would you mind recommending me a few R&D engineers I want them to start at Dongguan as soon as possible,” Chen, a human-resources department vice president, asked Lo.
Lo was confused as he thought the human resources department had long decided those overseas appointments.
Not the case.
“The company is growing need of R&D people who are willing to work overseas as we have been expanding aggressively in recent years,” Chen said. “But interest in being appointed abroad is very low, and that's why I need you help to do some sweet-talking.”
“Is it because of compensations” Lo asked.
Chen shook his head. “I doubt it… Many of them think they are in demand, and may be thinking about leaving the company in the near future…That's probably why.”
“Alright then, let me talk to them,” Lo responded. Overseas appointments haven't been as alluring in recent years. As a reward for an employees' hard work, the company has offered better compensation packages than those offered by rivals. Wages of workers based in China are 1.4 times that of their peers in Taiwan, and are adjusted annually in accordance with market survey results.
Chen doesn't subscribe to the notion that poor salaries are the reason for low willingness of being appointed abroad. Annual performance review and bonuses could be the culprits, he thinks.
The connection between personnel systems of the parent firm and its subsidiaries.
Victory Computer is one of Taiwan's top 10 original-equipment-manufacturing and original-design-manufacturing suppliers of notebook computers and other optical electronics products.
The company has been expanding rapidly over the past decade, and has moved its production lines to Mainland China. In addition to this, it has also set up factories, research and development as well as service firms in Malaysia, Thailand, and the United States.
Here comes the downside of the company's aggressive expansion – a disconnection of human resources between the parent company and its subsidiaries.
“Something's wrong here, Wei-ming,” Hsiao Yi-shen, president of Victory Computer's Chinese subsidiary said while speaking to Chen on the phone.
Chuang Kao-jie, who joined the company a year earlier than Chen and has been responsible for operations of the company’s personnel affairs at the Dongguan plant, just notified Hsiao of his plan to join a competitor.
This is effectually adding salt to the wound as Victory Computer is still in shortage of talents in China.
“A foreign company has aproached him, so what can I say” Hsiao said, adding, he is worried that the Dongguan plant will have to start building a new personnel system after Chuang's departure.
“What do you mean” Chen asked.
“We have been reliant on relocation of a massive number our Taiwanese colleagues from our Hsinchu parent company to here to meet rapid expansion in China for several years,” said Hsiao. “We need to install a better human resources system, but now we only have few persons who have a idea of how to do it.”
“Worst of all, the best person to carry out the plan is leaving, so please send someone over as soon as possible,” Hsiao said.
“Will do,” Chen replied. But he immediately followed: “Do ask Chuang Kao-jie to put down into writing whatever he helpful knowledge he has in his brain.”
“Sure, I know… But you better be fast, I am not the kind of person who can multi-task by thinking about the salaries of more than a million workers while in a meeting, and at the same time take care of your 100 plus Taiwanese expatriates here.”
Hanging up the phone, Chen sunk into his luxurious, black coach.
(Chwan-Pong King is an Assistant Professor and Joseph Yu is a Professor of Department of Business Administration, Ming Chuan University)
( 作者是銘傳大學企業管理學系助理教授、政治大學商學院企業管理系教授)
【2005/06/05 經濟日報】
