2008年12月22日 星期一



國人愛玩數字遊戲,「八九不離十」(Eight and nine are close enough to ten)或「朝三暮四」(Have three in the morning and four in the afternoon)可資證明。中文一音多意,同樣2630,用中文可以演繹成:「高雄市的建國一路、民主橫路,閃靈(合唱團正在高歌)」;也可以用台語 說成:「日落西山,萬事皆空」。因此,北所的苦心並非沒有漏洞。

數字要精準 魔鬼藏在細節中

不過就數字而言,守信的人「說一不二」(says what he means and means what he says),講求精準(detail oriented),因此,半斤就是八兩(6 of one or a half dozen of the other),魔鬼都藏在細節中(The devil is in the details.),都是他們篤信的準則。

例:“Our board members need a reliable,detail-oriented orientation to handle the financial crisis.”「董事會需要更精準的說明,好因應金融危機。」

“Ben is always accusing Mark of starting arguments,but if you ask me, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other.”「阿賓老說小馬找碴,不過就外人看來,他們一個半斤,一個八兩。」

的確,輕忽數據,舉世皆然。中文有「差不多先生」,英文也有銖兩悉稱的說法:(close enough for government work)。公務部門大而化之(Don't sweat the small stuff, and it is all small stuff.)是常態。

從選舉口號的633,到高雄貨櫃港排名保10,這些含糊籠統的數字(ballpark figures),提出之後被戳破,變成無法兌現的數字(WAG–Wild assed figures),不但斲喪政治人物誠信,更被視為不及格的外行(not in the ballpark )。

例:“Most public service employees will not get fired for a small mistake, so they tend to think their performance is close enough for their work when they pay little attention to their job.”「公務人員有就業保障,許多人工作漫不經心。」

“You're not in the ballpark, you're not even playing the same sport”「你的說法距離事實太遠,我們懷疑你有沒有做過功課。」

實事求是的人,非常注意數據背後的意義,因為「差之毫釐,失之千里」(If you are out an inch in measurement at one corner, you will miss the other corner by feet.)。

數據有意義 差之毫釐失千里

相形之下,大而化之的人認為:「準確度只在丟馬蹄鐵和手榴彈的時候,才有意義。」(close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades),因為比賽丟擲馬蹄鐵,獲勝標準是愈靠近標竿的擲手勝出,而手榴彈丟得夠近,自然可以殲敵立功。

因此,「實事求是」和「大而化之」二者之間的差別,便在於前者根據數據,推演合理判斷(to take an?educational guess),後者卻像凝視水晶球的星象家(looking into the crystal ball),穿鑿附會說詞來敷衍客戶。

例:“It's been a challenge for the average CEO to make any sort of? educational guess?as to which approach they should adopt to survive this crisis.”「危機臨頭,究竟用甚麼方式度過難關,考驗著每一位公司負責人。」

“He figured with a look into that crystal ball he might be able to provide at least a little glimpse of the answer the company was after.”「他對公司面臨問題所提出的解決方案,基本上是一派胡言。」


對此,他提出的用兵之法:「十則圍之,五則攻之,倍則分之,敵則能戰之,少則能逃之,不若則能避之」,這些比較數字,無一不是國力數字精算的結果,絲毫沒 有僥倖(grasping at straws),更不必異想天開走險棋(think outside the box)。

例:“He's hoping that this new investment will help him but I think he's clutching at straws.”「他放手投資,這是心存僥倖的最後一搏。」

“Harsh economics dictate it's time to think outside the box”「景氣太差,逼我們走險棋。」

【2008/12/21 經濟日報】
