2008年9月14日 星期日


Friend or foe, but for how long?

強 烈颶風古斯塔夫進逼美國東南,當地190萬居民為避風姨肆虐,離開家園。台灣地處亞熱帶,颱風多,危害也一樣大。颱風進出之際,風雨交加,聲勢驚人,但在 颱風眼範圍內,卻是一片寧靜。但片刻隨之而來的,又是狂風暴雨。所以,有經驗的人都知道,風雨中的寧靜,其實並不寧靜。

同理,孫子兵法也說:「敵近而靜者,恃其險也。」意指敵我近戰一觸即發,對方這時卻按兵不動,是憑恃險阻地形之助。孫子認為,貿然攻擊故意不動的敵人,可 能會掉入對方事先埋下的陷阱,這是就軍事地理觀點,來說明該不該出手的考量(to bite or not to bite)。


例:"Ben saw the opportunity and let it pass because there was risk, but Jane jump and grasped it. To bite or not to bite was not the question for her."「阿賓認為風險太大,抽手不幹,但阿珍沒有多加考量,就一手攬下。」

上述兵法的另一個解讀是敵人欺近了,我們還看不出來,這才是危險的事。中國功夫「一寸短,一寸險」,意即短兵相接,肉搏戰時,長兵器反而伸展不開。人際關 係中最尷尬者,莫過於知己變成死敵,因為親近,彼此熟悉,自己的弱點對方無不知曉。所以「敵乎?友乎?」(Friend or foe, but for how long?)是主政者必須經常自問的問題,以免自己人不顧道義,做出不利於我的事(bite the hand that feeds you)。

例:"These two companies have developed a profitable business relationship but one must wonder if friend or foe, and for how long."「這兩家公司利益關係龐大,但未來是敵是友還有待觀察。」

”The boss gave me a lot of money in the campaign, so I shouldn't bite the hand that feeds me and criticize his scandals.”「上次競選老闆給我不少財務資助,現在他有難,我不能再落井下石。」



此人利用章家望治心切,言聽計從,疏於防備之際(looking over the fence leaves your yard in danger.),組成債權銀行團,要求章家父子將股票全權信託,章家父子因此意外放棄公司經營權,猛醒之後,章家才知道先前想得太美,希望竟然落空 (the light at the end of the tunnel can be blinding)。

例:"If you always look at your enemy and only focus on their movements, you might never see anything that comes at you from within. Don't forget, looking over the fence leaves your yard in danger."「全力禦敵,疏於安內,一樣會大意失荊州。」

”Our boss sees a huge financial gain by taking this deal, but I think the light at the end of the tunnel blinds him because we could suffer huge losses.”「老闆一心以為鴻鵠將至,我們認為他想得太美,一個閃失,就難以收拾。」


經過四年多審理,台北地檢署依偽造文書等罪,將主嫌判刑二年。此人能將章家耍得團團轉,主要是對方信任他從中斡旋的誠意。俚語說「相信熟人買破鍋」,指的 便是被信任的人所騙。中文也說「公事公辦」,就是希望將人際關係的作用力降到最低,英文“never bring their work home”說得也是同一件事。總之,就是避免親近的人影響大局,因為,信得過的朋友一旦離心離德(willing the ends but not the means),這時,他所占的「地利」將蒙蔽我們的耳目,防不勝防,讓他變成最危險的敵人。

例:"My wife's brother wants to work for my company but I don't want to bring my work home with me. I want to tell him no, but he is my wife's brother!"「我做事的原則是公事公辦,所以我小舅子要來公司上班這件事讓我頭痛。」

”Many corporate ladder climbers are ready to will the ends but not the means to achieve their personal goals.”「許多人野心勃勃,為達個人目標不擇手段,這種現象處處可見。」

【2008/09/14 經濟日報】
