2008年8月17日 星期日


漫無頭緒 running around in circles


這種因巧思產生魅力的認同感(atmosphere identity),是人氣維持不墜的秘訣。



例:“Starbucks's relaxed furniture, soothing music, and the smell of coffee provide an atmosphere identity that all their customers can recognize.“「星巴克的陳設、音樂和咖啡香,是吸引顧客持續上門的三大法寶。」

觀摩取經 別腦袋空空

如果觀摩前能夠做足功課,拜會時經由腦力激盪,進而產生共鳴,必然事半功倍,對雙方都有所助益,這就是「英雄所見略同」 (great minds think alike)。

因為行家彼此心裡有數,空個腦袋就去取經,純屬浪費別人時間,不但談不出名堂,對方也不會重視,最多放個簡報,已屬禮遇;要能找到關鍵人物懇談(clear line of communication),才能達到取經目的。

例:“The magistrate thought it would be a good idea to have a vacation and all her colleagues agreed that was exactly what they wanted. It just showed that great minds think alike.“「縣太爺想帶大家度個假,同僚都舉手贊成,真是英雄所見略同。」

“To keep the communication lines clear in the battlefield, the military commander must develop the network of continually talking with his soldiers to know any changes in the situation.”「戰場瞬息萬變,指揮官一定要能和士兵保持聯絡。」

需要扛責任的人,了解時間的重要性,也不容許自己或別人浪費時間。如果他不能在第一時間內對突發事件做出正確判斷,並且下達正確指示(the first to know is the first to response),事態就會溢出控制範圍(sticking your finger in the hole of the dam),變成一發不可收拾。


盱衡情勢 考驗大智慧

例:“The PR department knows that the first to know is the first to respond so it must pay attention to act accordingly to any situation.”「公關部門知道任何突發狀況都必須馬上查證,並且在第一時間做出正確的因應措施。」

“If you only look at fixing the immediate dangers and not look ahead, eventually sticking your finger in the hole of the dam will only make the hole bigger.”「頭痛醫頭,不能根本解決問題,早晚會演變成禍害。」

地方建設落後,自知力有未逮(knowing only God creates miracles overnight),出國取經,這是天經地義的事,也是父母官的職責。


在颱風來襲期間出國考察,同樣是縣市長,回國後有人全身而退,有人卻被列為貪汙被告,這是前者能低調道歉,迅速投入市政,後者卻演出一連串無頭蒼蠅式的 (running around in circles)拙劣反應 ,牛頭不對馬嘴(not run in one direction)的答辯,給人觀感不佳,司法單位進一步追究之後,所演變成的不同結果。


知己知彼 行遠必自邇

例:“My boss wanted the presentation finished in one day. If he wants a well researched and organized presentation for the other CEOs, he needs to know that only God creates miracles overnight.”「老闆要我一天之內寫出擲地有聲的報告呈給總裁,他根本不知道慢工出細活的道理。」

“It seems that many workers here run in circles because they only do the immediate tasks, never plan for the future and follow a long term plan.”「員工被眼前的事忙得不可開交,哪裡還顧得長程規劃。」

“A good company can get all their employees to run in one direction instead of running in circles doing many little things.”「明定目標,齊步邁進,是優質公司的特色。」

【2008/08/17 經濟日報】
