產業六力分析(Industry 6 Force Analysis)是修正波特五力分析(Porter’s 5 Force Analysis)之產業分析模型。波特五力分析以企業為核心,探討五個外在影響力對於企業本身競爭力影響,五項影響因素包括競爭者、供應商、買家、潛在 競爭者與替代性技術。
產業六力分析是以一國某一產業為核心,探討影響該產業競爭優勢 之六種外在因素,包括P政治(Political)、E經濟(Economic)、S社會(Social)、T技術(Technological)、L法 律(Legal)與E環境(Environmental)之PESTLE。在產業六力分析中,整體經濟為產業發展第一影響力,由於國家產業發展有諸多不同 面向,產業發展應該著重於公平式或重點式,端賴國家的整體經濟目標考量。
影響因素 | 說明 | 監視指標 |
Political factors (P) 政治 | PESTLE analysis forces the manager to think about more than the bottom line. This is highlighted by the stress on taking politics into account. In earlier times, political impacts largely involved conflict. Today co-operation is more likely. There are fewer political barriers to trade, and joint projects are the norm. Privatisation has opened up the global marketplace. The abandonment of communism has led acquisitions, alliances, partnerships and more supplier networks. The growth of the European Union has allowed more countries to enter the world economy. | 政治指標 |
Economic factors (E) 經濟
| Of course, the manager performing a PESTLE analysis still needs to place monetary considerations as the major priority. Economic factors like wealth distribution, economic growth, purchasing power, inflation, and interest rates are key to economic analysis.Many countries, have recently experienced the lowest interest rates for forty years. Domestic financial markets have recently opened up to the global marketplace. This has contributed to explosive growth in financial markets. Money is now directed to productive investments beyond national boundaries. | 經濟指標 |
Sociological factors (S) 社會 | Many changes have occurred in society. These include changes in:values, education, life styles, and households. The changes have penetrated down to the personal level. Increased condom use has led to vast changes in family planning. Demographic changes (birth rates, age averages, population size,...) have great impacts on companies. | 社會指標 |
Technological factors (T) 技術 | There has been an explosion in new technologies and skills. Businesses are adopting advanced technologies undreamt of just a few years ago. Many companies previously producing low-quality low-tech goods are now producing high-quality high-techgoods. Technological developments in telecommunications are intensifying competition worldwide. The internet has transformedbusiness. | 技術指標 |
Legal factors (T) 法律 | Legal processes have become more efficient in the past few decades. Customer are more likely to initiate legal processes against companies if they receive shoddy goods or services. This means companies must pay more attention to legal risk factors | 法律指標 |
Environmental factors (E) 環境 | Organisations have a massive environmental impact. For instance, supermarkets use vast amounts of fossil fuel in their transport networks. Reducing this demand on planetary resources is a major challenge for such organisations. If they do not do so then, they may be forced to by politicians. This is an example of how one factor is associated with another. PESTLE analysis by focusing on several factors at once forces the analyst to think about these inter-relations. | 環境指標 |
Source: http://www.free-encyclopedia-online.com/analysis/pestle.htm |
補 充說明,產業六力分析模型需進一步根據討論內容而建立監視系統(Monitor System),方能以有效率又有系統的進行外在環境影響評估。此外,波特五力分析與產業六力分析即是企業進行SWOT分析時之企業外部環境分析,其中外 部環境分析包括小環境與大環境,其中小環境指的是產業內部環境(產業鏈、供應鏈與價值鏈),大環境指的是產業六力中的政治、社會、科技與法律等。
雖 然圖一僅討論產業受到整體經濟環境影響,然而,實際研究時需進一步分析產業與產業之間的互動機制與模式。產業定義可由不同面向切入,如圖二所示,例如從技 術發展性可稱為傳統產業、高科技產業與新興產業(Emerging Industry);從三種產業分類可分農業、工業與服務業;從技術角度可分為電子、光電、機械、化工、材料、通訊、資訊與跨領域產業等。基於此,產業定 義與互動機制影響即是產業分析的重要起點。
關鍵字:產業六力分析(Industry 6 Force Analysis);波特五力分析(Porter’s 5 Force Analysis)
(科技產業資訊室-- David 編撰,2008/09/30)