2008年10月21日 星期二

讀孫子兵法學英文 因勢利導offer a seat


該片場景遍及恆春、車城、滿州、南灣、射寮、佳冬等地,濃濃的人情味,鹹鹹的海風,南台灣的民情一展無遺。片中男主角阿嘉住過的透天厝,經過電影炒熱,可 望變成民宿。女主角住過的「友子套房」,在網路上更是人氣鼎盛,網友粉絲(lap dog)競標,熱鬧滾滾。專家估計,整個恆春半島的觀光產業,可望因為這部電影提升不少(supply creates its own demand)。

人氣鼎沸 好康道相報

例:“The Backstreet Boys were very popular in their first couple years as they had millions of teenage female lap dogs following them around the entire country. However, as they grew up, and their lap dogs grew out of their addiction, their popularity dropped and the band is no longer together.”「少男樂團成立,人氣鼎盛,女粉絲無數。幾年後團員不再年少,人氣潰散,樂團只好解散。」

“ One of the laws of economics is that supply creates its own demand, and this will apply to the movie industry as much as it does to the tourism.”「產品好,買主不請自來,電影業如是,旅遊業亦然。」


腳踏實地 一步一腳印

魏德聖說,十幾年來他拍電影,幾乎傾家蕩產,但從不氣餒,終於撐到成功的一日。他的例子,說明即使再有才華(natural talent),也必須腳踏實地,才能一步一步走向成功(climb the mountain one step at a time)。

例:“Michael Jordan knew his natural talent at an early age but kept working hard at it to become one of the best basketball players in the world. ”「喬丹大帝年輕時便知道自己打籃球的天賦,他便不斷努力,終成一代球王。」

“Stay focused on the big picture, and climb the mountain one step at a time. ”「胸懷大志,腳踏實地,要成功兩者缺一不可。」

「海角七號」大賣,政客也來湊熱鬧。立委張花冠包下電影院,招待嘉義鄉親欣賞,在影片結束後張花冠向導演魏德聖表示,希望開拍「海角八號」,地點選在嘉義 縣,好因勢利導(offer a seat),搭個便車,盡量替嘉義開創觀光財富(doing whatever is necessary)。

例:“The internet was mainly used for communication until e-business offered a seat to shoppers who were frustrated with long lines and traffic at shopping malls.”「網路原本只用在通訊。購物者因勢利導,用它來解決物流金流的問題。」

廣結善緣 人脈是助力

“ Our biggest customer is coming in tomorrow and may buy an expensive apartment. Do whatever is necessary and make sure that the sale happens.”「豪客登門,豪宅出售有望,大家務必用心,使他成交。」



這是擁抱(keep in touch)地理人文環境,所產生的緊密關係;也唯有透過這層深厚的在地關係所產生的力量(grab more with more tentacles),才能讓賴導拍出佳片,邁向成功。

例:“No matter how far away we go, we want to keep in touch with our family and be close to them.”「無論我們身在何處,我們總想和親人聯繫。」

“I don't need to but I will do it anyway, because I can grab more with more tentacles. Maybe one day I'll need to build a structure and then I will have people ready to help when I need.”「或許有朝一日我會需要一些幫手,所以現在廣結善緣又何妨?」

【2008/10/20 經濟日報】
