2006年12月31日 星期日


他說:「經營就是讓每個員工都能這樣想,把顧客捧在手掌心,做到人人滿意,就能一年賣出980萬顆招牌小籠包。」像鼎泰豐這樣的現代企業,以願景、使命統合員工,革除以往國人「一盤散沙」(like a chicken without a head)、為人詬病的現象,取而代之的,是團結力量大(united we stand, divided we fall)的團隊精神。
例:"In the months leading up to the election, party officials are running around like a chicken without a head." 「選舉前幾個月,黨務運作還是雜亂無章,亂成一團。」
合則兩利 分則兩敗
"They try to divide and conquer us. We must know that united we stand, divided we fall." 「他們想分化我們。要謹記:合則兩利,分則兩敗。」
不能和衷共濟的團體,常出現「各有一把號,各吹各個調」現象(直譯“Everyone has their own trumpet, and everyone is blowing their own tune.”)英文的說法是「強出頭」(looking out for number one),因而有「不顧全大局」(at odds with the leadership),或「任性妄為」(won't get with the program)的行為。
例:"Vincent only cares about him-self and none other. He always looks out for number one." 「文森只在乎自己,不在乎別人,眼中只有自己的利益。」
"Nelson's votes in the Senate have often placed him at odds with the leadership of his party." 「尼爾森不按黨紀投票,是不顧全大局的行為。」
"Ted always has to do his own thing; he won't get with the program." 「泰德喜歡自作主張,不太依規辦事。」
鼎泰豐的師傅跟醫師一樣,也穿白袍、戴帽、酒精洗手消毒才能進廚房。廚房的透明玻璃窗,讓顧客看見現捏包子上桌的流程,甚獲顧客認同。顧客覺得餐廳「知人善任」(Right man for the right job),讓員工「各盡其能」(each according to his abilities),就會產生十足的安全感,這就是鼎泰豐的成功之道。
例:"When he appointed Fred to handle the logistics he picked the right man for the right job." 「他把福瑞調去管後勤,是知人善任之舉。」
知人善任 各盡其能
"Some are not meant to lead men into battle, but might better serve by making sure that there are enough sup-plies available for the army. Each ac-cording to their abilities." 「有些人不擅帶兵作戰;卻是經理長才,管起後勤一把罩。各盡其能才重要。」
楊紀華常說,經營之道說穿了,就是「員工與顧客優先」幾個字。公司重視員工,員工重視顧客,自然三贏。充分表現這種將士用命精神的,首推美國人耳熟能詳的標語,亦即海軍陸戰隊基地格言:「我們訓練陸戰隊,陸戰隊員打勝仗。」(We build Marines and Marines win battles.);另外一句美式足球語諺:「誰能阻擋11個一心齊攻球門的球員?」(How can anyone stop 11 men all working toward the same goal?)這些道理,其實都符合孫子謀攻篇:「上下同欲者,勝」(on the same page)的兵法運用。
例:"In order to make progress we need to make sure that everyone is on the same page." 「要想進步,首先要能上下齊心。」
"We have gotten everyone on the same page through consensus building." 「建立共識之後,我們的步伐就整齊起來了。」
【2006/12/31 經濟日報】
