2008年7月28日 星期一

知己知彼Know the enemy and know yourself.

孫子兵法說:「知己知彼,百戰不殆」。也就是說,兩軍作戰,誰能知己知彼(Know the enemy and know yourself.),就能百戰不敗。

職場競爭 如兩軍作戰

現實生活中,知己已經不容易,知彼更加困難。如果我們有機會請教職場上的成功者,這些身經百戰,千錘百鍊(went through the gauntlet)的佼佼者,如何在職場勝出,他們會告訴我們:職場競爭,就像兩軍作戰一樣嚴厲,儘量做好知己知彼,的確能達成目標。

例:"Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril."「知己知彼,百戰不殆。」

"The company went through the depression gauntlet and became stronger ever since."「公司度過不景氣的難關,業務蒸蒸日上。」


如果大家選擇當喜鵲(yes men),並且認為唱反調的就是烏鴉(naysayer),長此以往,言路阻塞(to kill the messenger),老闆聽不到真話,決策往往就會出差錯。

例:“In the past he had been a naysayer, but now he is a hardcore yes-man around boss.”「往常他專唱反調,現在卻變成不折不扣老闆面前的馬屁精。」

察納雅言 莫剛愎自用

" It is always much more convenient to kill the messenger than take the message and make the difficult choices and change."「都不想聽真話,接受批評,進行必要的改革,更是難上加難。」


但高階主管就沒有犯錯的空間,家大業大的企業亦然。因為兩軍對壘,戰敗就沒有翻身的機會。因此,如何集思廣義,定出不敗良策,端賴主管是否有察納雅言 (calm and collected)的心胸,遇有不中意的人提反對意見,也能公允看待(levelheaded),儘量避免剛愎自用(pigheaded),這是知己知 彼的第一步。

例:"Being patient will make things less stressful. Your colleagues need to see you calm and collected. This will help keep them calm too."「面對逆境,無須驚慌,泰然以對,會讓同僚產生信心。」

"We need an all-encompassing, level-headed view of the market, and avoid making ignorant and pig-headed conclusions."「要平實看待市場,不能一廂情願。」

政權輪替,新政府上台之後,台灣面臨物價上漲、股市暴跌等經濟危機,雖然受國際大環境因素的影響,新政府也必須概括承受,抱著吃苦當作吃補(you just have to take your medicine)的心情,忍受各界批評。

但政府不能把所有批評當成惡意攻擊,最好能秉持兵法精神,知己知彼,把持反對意見者當成「魔鬼辯護士」(the devil's advocate),從敵人身上學到脫困之道,才不會一著失誤,而致全盤盡墨(messing up by the numbers)。

撇開面子 以敵人為師

例:"Depression is like measles, so you have to take your medicine to make it go away."「不景氣就像出麻疹,要沉住氣,把它熬過去。」

"If you allow me to be the devil's advocate for a moment, we got ourselves in this mess to begin with."「撇開一切面子問題,我要扮黑臉,檢討為何我們會身陷這個危機。」

"I can't believe Debbie is still working here, she was messing up by the numbers."「黛比老是出錯,真搞不懂她還有臉戀棧這個位子。」

【2008/07/20 經濟日報】
