2008年7月27日 星期日



work day in, day out for the man



現代企業經營競爭之慘烈,並不亞於作戰。為了使命必達,打開市場(find their niche),勞資雙方必須合作無間。員工的全力配合確屬必要,甚至必須到達鞠躬盡瘁(work day in, day out for the man)的地步。這裡“for the man”所指的,當然是老闆。

越級報告 職場大忌

例:“ To survive the competition, they have to find their niche markets.”「找到利基市場,企業才能存活。」 “ New Zealand's kiwifruit is a good example of how nontraditional products can find their niche in Taiwan.”「紐西蘭奇異果在台灣大賣,是外國農產品打開本地市場的最佳例證。」

因為戰場瞬息萬變,軍令不容違抗,部隊才會發展出指揮系統(chain of command)。所以,無論在軍隊或企業組織,越級報告(going over someone's head)都是職場大忌,因為它混淆了責任歸屬,不僅僅是拍馬屁(brown noser )問題而已。

例:“ Mark went over his boss's head and straight to the general manager.”「老馬偷偷跑到老總面前,做了越級報告。」

“ He always follows the boss around, expecting to be at the beck and call of the superiors. He is such a brown noser.”「他唯命是從,奉老闆之命為聖旨,只會拍馬奉承。」


謹慎判斷 切莫盲從

不過,這樣緊密的工作關係,並非沒有盲點:一來是下屬過於盲從(follow blindly),絲毫不去懷疑任務的合法性,因而失去辨別是非的能力(develop the herd mentality );二來碰到別有居心的老闆,只想達成任務,出了差錯又不願負責(they want to have their cake and eat it too),這時部屬很可能就會變成砲灰。

例:“ When I was junior officer, I started to think on my own, not follow blindly what I was taught to believe.”「在擔任低階職務之初,我就努力培養判斷力,不盲從上級的無理要求。」

“ Those who do not believe in themselves tend to follow each other with a herd mentality”「沒有自信心的人,容易跟在別人的屁股後面跑。」

"They want to have their cake and eat it too - the security, pay, and prestige of public service,without taking the risk of responsibility of being a public servant."「錢多事少離家近,他們樣樣都要,獨不想擔負責任。」

從葉素菲博達案,到王又曾的力霸案,多少企業的經理人捲進不名譽官司,不由自主的變成共犯。原本所謂「一將功成萬骨枯」,是指將士用命,為共同理想而奮戰,並非要部屬變成長官成功的踏腳石(on the backs and bodies of others)。

商譽至上 照章辦事

同理,正派經營的企業,經營階層會依法行政(going by the book),更會確保工作階層不必以身試法(play fast and loose with the rules)來完成使命,這樣才不必上下交征利,終而危及企業整體。

例:“ A great general was built on the backs and bodies of his own soldiers.”「一將成功萬骨枯。」

“ If you had gone by the book, you would not have been trapped in this quagmire.”「如果你當時照章辦事,今天你就不致於身陷危機,無法自拔。」

“ A decent company won't play fast and loose with the rules because its most important asset is its reputation with the customers.”「正派經營的公司,不會專攻旁門走道,因為公司信譽至關緊要,這也是顧客最在意的事。」

【2008/07/27 經濟日報】
