2006年4月16日 星期日


■ 朱文章
語諺:「志同道合」(We are on the same track.),又說「道不同,不相為謀」(do not help those whose goals you do not support),說明理念不同就無法共事,遑論其他。英文「勿與不同的牛共軛」(do not yoke yourself with unalike oxen)語出聖經,形容力求精進的時刻,同伴要能相互提攜,否則最好趁早割袍斷義:因為同軛(to yoke)的兩頭牛,若其一偷懶,不能同心協力,就無法犁田拉貨。
例:"We are on the same track, trying to reach the same goal." 「我們有志一同,為共同理想而努力。」
"When they approached our company about joining in on a project our CEO said we should not yoke ourselves with unalike oxen." 「他們來公司提議共同合作,我們老闆以理念不同予以回絕。」
掌握通路能讓業務上軌道。為了拓展通路、籌募資金,企業須不時辦理招商展覽(road show),以廣招徠。現代中文以「上道」形容某人懂得審時度勢,採取合理行為,配合大局。「不上道」(blunt或tactless)則指不懂顧全大局,不說「政治正確」(political correct-ness),亦即別人愛聽的話。
例:"We are going to take our new technology on a road show and see if other companies will be interested in buying it." 「我們要為這個新技術舉辦招商展覽,藉以吸引廠商注意。」
"The politician was very good at telling people what they wanted to hear. He could change with whichever way the wind blew." 「政客光說不練,整天只求討好選民。」
俗話說冤家路窄,通路商為了擴大業績,彼此競爭,有限市場捉對廝殺的結果,變成「不是冤家不聚頭」(keeping coming back like a bad penny或returning like a bad dream),難免傷和氣。廠商和通路商,有時也會因為業績或利潤的分配,演變成「分道揚鑣」(you go your way and I'll go mine)的場面,終而解約了事,失去「分進合擊」(hit them from different sides at once)的雙贏機會。
例:" The issue keeps coming back like a bad penny and this is going to spill over in the whole company." 「這件事陰魂不散,整個公司上上下下都受到影響。」
"That decision is where we reached the folk in the road. Since we have different ideas on how this must be done, I think you should go your way and I'll go mine." 「既然歧見無法化解,只好你走你的陽關道,我走我的獨木橋。」
為了化解歧見,主事者一方面要能高瞻遠矚,掌握方向,一方面又能整合各方利益,訂定可行方案。俗話說「宰相肚裏能撐船」,英文也有「開明領導」(enlightened leadership),都指決策前廣結善緣,齊一步伐,也就是孫子「衢地合交」之道。
例:" One of the primary functions of enlightened leadership is to try to take all of the factors and their effects on those under him before he makes a deci-sion." 「開明的領袖能綜整各方利益和意見,再進行決策。」
【2006/04/16 經濟日報】
