2005年4月17日 星期日


■ 朱文章
聯電希望既不違反政府規定,又能使公司大陸布局進可攻、退可守,才以技術援助和艦取得長遠利益。其目的在「等待時機成熟」時,促成兩公司合併。「等待時機成熟」英文的說法是"biding its time until the time is right"。
例:"The company acts like it is in step with the government, but it is just biding its time until the time is right."「該公司看似遵循政府的規定,但實際上它正在暗中部署,蓄勢待發。」
根據曹興誠的說法,政府不准投資又不准技術移轉,聯電為取得長遠利益,只好彈性協助和艦。我們常說「上有政策,下有對策」,英文說法是"passive resistance"(消極抵抗)。
消極抵抗 掩人耳目
例:"There were some passive resistance when Mayor Ma put into effect the new policy that garbage must be disposed of in special bags sold by the city. " 「馬市長實施隨袋徵收垃圾費之後,市民產生許多消極抵制的情形。」
消極抵制的結果,可能是變出花樣來「掩人耳目」,譬如虛設行號(shell companies或fly by night outfits)等,讓人看不出箇中奧妙,藉機牟利。「障眼法」英文的說法是"Pull the wool over their eyes"或"window dressing"。
例:"They really pulled the wool over our eyes when they sent the false reports to us." 「他們送來偽造的報告,讓我們墜入五里霧中。」
例:"They added a lot of window dressing to make the project look like it was profitable." 「他們添油加醋,把計畫說得一定可以賺錢。」
商場如戰場,為贏得先機,企業主必須盱衡全局,針對各種狀況備妥因應對策,以便出奇致勝。二次大戰美軍名將巴頓將軍的名言:「抓住敵人的鼻子,然後猛踢他的屁股」(You hold them by the nose then kick them in the ass.)這種讓敵人注意力專注前方,然後出其不意在它後方進攻的策略,是謂「暗渡陳倉」。
「暗渡陳倉」在商場的運用很廣,像酒吧供應花生,客人吃多了,就會多點啤酒解渴,這是酒店經理的刻意安排。這種在此處小投資,在別的戰場收割的手法,英文說成"have a hidden agenda"、" have a plan B"或"have a fallback plan"等等,目的是出其不意克敵制勝,或是求全。
例:"The manager had a hidden agenda when he provided free popcorn to the customers." 「經理免費贈送爆米花給客人,其實他別有居心。」
例:"When the projector blew a bulb, we were lucky to have made paper copies to hand out as a fallback plan."「投影機壞了一個燈泡,還好,我們另外備妥了影印資料做為備案。」
多管齊下 如同劈腿
暗渡陳倉有多管齊下之意,用來形容男女關係,即是台灣的時髦用語「劈腿」,亦即同時與多個異性朋友交往(two-timing)。如果還要細分,女人婚後與丈夫以外的男士交往,讓先生戴了「綠帽子」,英文稱為"to make a cuckold of her husband";如果男士到處「捻花惹草」,是為"a womanizer"。例:"After finding out that her husband is a two-timer, she charges in divorce filing." 「知道她的丈夫是劈腿族之後,她訴請離婚。」
例:"Xi-men Qing arranges with Jin-lien to make a cuckold of Wu Ta, until a boy exposes the adultery." 「西門慶勾搭上潘金蓮,讓武大戴了綠頭巾,直到小廝撞見,才讓姦情曝光。」
例:"Today, it's a well-known fact that Clinton was a womanizer, and had many extra-marital affairs, yet he is considered to have been one of our greatest presi-dents."「小柯性喜捻花惹草,此事眾所皆知,但他不失為最好的總統之一。」
【2005/04/17 經濟日報】
