2005年7月17日 星期日


■ 官志亮(德霖技術學院企管系副教授兼系主任)、于卓民(政治大學企管系教授)
Managing Partnership in a Joint Venture
Jing-Dian was the first company in Taiwan to produce M-type TFT-LCD monitors. The company's major shareholders are the Tai-Jing, Yeou-Liang and Sunlight Groups, which own 45%, 30% and 18% of shares respectively. The company's major products are TFT-LCD monitors and active color OLED displays. In 2000, in order to increase the price competitiveness of its products, decrease the risk of shortages of key components, avoid price fluctuations, and increase profitability; Tai-Jing, one of Taiwan's well-known PDA manufacturers, planed to form the Jing-Dian Limited Company. This concurrently took place as other subsidiaries of Tai-Jing actively developed electronics and communications products, which created demands for TFT-LCDs and collectively triggered the establishment of the Jing-Dian Company.
Background of the Joint Venture
The TFT-LCD monitor industry is capital intensive and very sensitive to economies of scale. This implies that a plant's initial setup costs are extremely high and firms must therefore increase production volumes quickly to reduce unit production costs. Knowing this, Tai-Jing sought a reputable domestic business group to begin a joint venture to help diversify its business risk and increase its financial sustainability.
Beginning in the construction industry and gradually built-up as a reputable business group, the Yeou Liang Group had hoped to enter into the high-tech industrial arena to shake off its image as only a major player in traditional industries. After thorough negotiations, the Yeou Liang Group and Tai-Jing reached an agreement and formalized a partnership.
As Jing-Dian was founded, it actively sought partnerships with companies possessing technological patents and experience in production. Meanwhile, the Sunlight Group was constrained by its capital requirements for diversification activities and did not have the capital for active factory expansion. Sunlight Group's top management realized that this lack of resources and production volume affected the firm's competitiveness seriously and joint ventures were becoming a feasible alternative to cope with competition. With its technical and marketing capabilities, the Tai-Jing Group opted to be a technological transfer partner of the Jing Dian Company.
Division of Labor
As a main provider of resources to Jing-Dian, Tai-Jing's role included supporting capital, R&D personnel,management know-how, and marketing knowledge.Concurrently it was Jing-Dian's largest customer. The other stakeholder of Jing-Dian, the Yeou Liang Group,made contributions mainly through providing capital.Finally, the Sunlight Group's main contribution was production technology.
The general manager (GM) of Tai-Jing was appointed as the chairman of the board of directors of Jing-Dian and the GM of the Yeou Liang Group was named vice chairman.The other members on the board were distributed as follows: Tai-Jing, 3 directors and 1 supervisor; Yeou Liang Group, 1 director and 1 supervisor; Sunlight Group, 2 directors; external members, 2 directors and 1 supervisor. To protect the interests of minority shareholders, the largest shareholder Tai-Jing was not given the power to direct key issues.
The current GM, Mr. Chiou, also served as a board member for Tai-Jing. Though reporting to the GM directly, the partners assigned some functional managers under the joint venture agreement: the Sunlight Group assigned the R&D manager; and the finance manager was assigned by the Yeou Liang Group. Furthermore the GM has the discretion to appoint other personnel.
Problems Surfaced
The complexity of the managing partnership is that the resources, capabilities, motivations and objectives between partners are different. Furthermore, the members of the top management teams usually are from different parent companies and they probably serve the interests of their own parent companies rather than the joint venture's interests. Because of these differences,managers in a joint venture may experience internal conflicts and oppose each other continually.
Mr. Chiou's experience as a professional manager prompted a recommendation from Tai-Jing as he was approved to take the responsibility of General Manager.As a CEO of Jing-Dian and senior employee of Tai-Jing,Mr. Chiou faces dual conflicting roles. His challenges are the following: to create trust among high level managers and increase coordination among them so that Jing-Dian can grow; and to oversee the behaviors of the personnel assigned to Jing-Dian from the other two partners so that the interests of Jian-Dian and his parent firm are not be harmed.
How should Mr. Chiou strike a balance among protecting the interests of Jing- Dian, safeguarding the interests of Tai-Jing and ensuring his own career at Tai-Jing as he manages the joint venture?
(Guan Tyh Liang is an Associate Professor and the chairperson of the Department of Business Administration, DE LIN Institute of Technology and Joseph Yu is a Professor of Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University.)
京電公司為國內首家投入M型液晶顯示器的公司,主要股東為台灣台晶公司、台灣友亮集團與日本日光集團,分別持有股份45%、30%及18%,主要產品為M型液晶顯示器 (M-Type TFT-LCD)及主動式全彩OLED顯示器。
台晶公司所貢獻的資源包括資金、研發 (原工研院技術團隊)、管理知識、行銷知識,也是產出的最大客戶。友亮集團對京電公司的貢獻主要在於資金方面,製程技術則有賴日光集團的協助。
【Discussion Questions】
How should Mr. Chiou strike a balance in protecting the separate interests of Jing-Dian and Tai-Jing, as well as ensuring his own career prospects atTai-Jing?
From the background analysis of this case, Mr. Chiou should be more committed to Tai-Jing than to Jing-Dian, and should protect the interests of Tai-Jing as much as he could within his powers. Since Mr. Chiou has been highly regarded by the senior management and has many years of service with the company, it will raise Mr. Chiou's commitment towards Tai-Jing. Furthermore, when expatriates are assured of their return, they are more committed to their parent company and inclined to actions or motives that serve the company's interests. Mr. Chiou's overseas assignments in the past were only for 2 to 3 years and each time he returned with higher placement within the company. Such experience has given him a greater assurance of return, therefore he exemplifies a higher commitment toward the company.
Although Mr. Chiou possesses an engineering degree, management skills and extensive transnational management experience, his main concerns should still be aligned with Jing-Dian's company interests for reasons below:
1. Jing-Dian is an independent company. Although Tai-Jing holds a majority of its shares, the company needs professional and impartial management to attain operational objectives. Therefore, Mr. Chiou should build a company image that generates a feeling of fairness and impartiality, insist on financial transparency, and set up an effective audit policy to avoid corruption.
2. General manager's efforts should be aligned with shareholders' interests and should enhance the mechanism of collaboration among departments, as well as formulate a company's development strategies and implementation policies.
3. Mr. Chiou, as a General Manager, should take the opportunity to exemplify his management and negotiation expertise, earnestly address Jing-Dian's management problems and propose effective solutions. As long as Mr. Chiou can increase the company's profit, it will not only ensure his parent company and Jing-Dian's interests, but also build an advantageous foundation for his future career ladder.
策略聯盟(Strategic Alliances)
【2005/07/17 經濟日報】
