2005年7月17日 星期日


■ 朱文章
釜底抽薪 to get to the root of the matter
投資股票已成為台灣的全民運動。許多投資人輕信明牌,一窩蜂搶進搶出(hopping on the bandwagon),一旦事與願違,連老本都會蝕光。因此,投入資金市場,「盲人騎瞎馬」(the blind leading the blind)碰運氣的心態,很不可取。
例:" When we saw how well the competition was doing with their new product, we knew that we had better hop on the bandwagon and release our own version." 「對手新產品優越無比,我們要趕緊推出自己的產品。」
"When they all decided to follow the so-called consultant, it was a case of the blind leading the blind and he led them to financial disaster." 「他們輕信冒牌顧問的瞎建議,結果釀成一場財務災難。」
經營權爭霸 小股東待價而沽
台灣股市散戶多,導致「收購委託書」特別發達。經營權爭奪戰使得委託書收購愈演愈烈,「開發金控」一戰,便利商店首次成為公開徵求場所,以方便持有一、二張股票的小股東,可以就近換取咖啡機,達到積少成多目的。由於輸贏太大,屈從待價而沽的小股東(caving in to demands),經營成本增高,變成傷及全體股東利益的「慘勝」(pyrrhic victory)。
例:"When the competition became so fierce, they had to cave in to the demands of some small investors." 「競爭太過激烈,他們只得屈從某些小股東的要挾。」
小股東待價而沽,職場上,有能力的行銷、管理或研發高手同樣炙手可熱。美國職場形容為金錢跳槽的員工為「企業浪人」(a corporate ronin),或「職場殺手」(a hired gun或稱a free agent),也就是沒有職場忠誠、動輒跳槽的人。
例:"Jim is a hired gun. He was brought here to fix the problem and will leave as soon as another offer comes along." 「吉姆隨時會跳槽。他只來解決某個專案。一有機會,他就會離開。」
"I don't think Bill will be here long. He is a corporate ronin." 「比爾不會幹很久,他是個企業浪人。」
企業追求永續經營,需要人才與資金長期投入。張忠謀說:「台積電的領導階層不急功近利,我們總是兼顧股東和員工的長期利益。」郭台銘說:「當初你如果買鴻海100萬元股票,現在值幾千萬。你擔心受怕,就不要買鴻海股票。如果買了又怕,我們不要這種投資人。」兩人不約而同以行動表示,長期正派經營是公司最重要的承諾(keep it under lock and key),而非「頭痛醫頭」(treat the symptoms, not the cause),以收購委託書保衛經營權。
不急功近利 盼股東認同理念
例:"When several customers complained that they received wrong orders, the manager sent them coupons with the correct order, but he never found out why they got the wrong items. He treated the symptom but not the cause." 「幾個客戶抱怨訂單發生錯誤,經理把正確訂單整理送出,還附贈若干禮券,但他沒有追究問題發生的原因。他只是頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳。」
"The corporate integrity is so important that they keep it under lock and key." 「誠信對公司很重要,他們非常珍惜,不敢或忘。」
股東相信公司值得長期投資,是一種信任。成功的公司專注執行,重視誠信等基本價值(get to the root of the matter或get to the bottom of things),亦即三十六計裡的「釜底抽薪」,經營理念是忍痛犧牲短期利益,以求長期經營。
例:"We saw that our sales were slipping in the market and we tried to get to the root of the matter to find the cause." 「業績不停下滑,我們釜底抽薪,務求找出原因。」
"When several customers began complaining the boss decided to get to the bottom of things and find out who was messing up the shipments."「客訴不斷,老闆釜底抽薪,要找到出貨發生錯誤的環節。」
【2005/07/17 經濟日報】
