2008年11月16日 星期日




談判者對現實認識不清,就會想得太美(sees the world through rose tinted glasses)。陳雲林來台,國人之間愛台、賣台的大帽子滿天飛,雖然都是政黨在累積日後的競選資本,但給對岸親身體驗「台式民主」,對此議題不再充耳 不聞(turn a deaf ear to),效果比安排對方看「海角七號」電影,要強許多倍。


例:"Being a seasoned negotiator, he does not see everything going on there through rose-tined glasses."「一心以為鴻鵠將至,就不配擔任談判人員。」

“It would be unwise to turn a deaf ear to the questions raised by our counterparts.”「對手提出的問題,不宜充耳不聞。」

對結果想得太美,對問題充耳不聞,這是談判者大忌,因為兩者都讓人脫離現實,對問題認識不清,終而產生不切實際的解決方法(tilting at windmills)。為保消息靈通,必須耳聰目敏,盡量蒐集資料,以便研判情勢,好、壞消息,都要接納。俗話說:「兩軍相爭,不斬來使」(do not kill the messenger),除了展現風度,更重要的是維繫言路通暢(keep the communication channels open),聽聽對手說些什麼,以便採取下一個因應對策。

例:“Trying to ask her from shopping in this holiday sales season is tilting at windmills.”「百貨公司周年慶,要她不要血拚,注定徒勞無功。」

“We should keep our communication channels open and should not kill the messenger.”「好消息要聽,壞消息更要聽,這樣情報才會周全。」


談判者最怕罔顧事實,挾民粹自重。年輕人喜歡說:「只要我喜歡,有什麼不可以」,英語有句粗鄙的俗語“pissing up a rope”,有點這種味道,有「不喜歡就拉倒」之意。另一種極端,便是拿熱臉去貼人家冷屁股(try to teach a pig to sing),強人所難,結果只有自討沒趣。

例:“We've won the election, and the rest of the world can piss up a rope if they don't like it.「選上算我好運,不然你要怎樣?」

“I have to admit, however, that this effort is pretty much like trying to teach the pig to sing. It never seems to bear any fruit and it only serves to irritate the pig.”「我承認我熱心過度,不但沒有效果,還自討沒趣。」

談判是讓步的藝術,立場過於僵硬,失去轉圜空間,就難達成目標。孫子兵法說:「故將有五危,必死可殺,必生可虜,忿速可侮,廉潔可辱,愛民可煩。」他指 出,動輒想慷慨犧牲,無法長遠思考;最小的風險都想辦法避開,不會成功;一味追求速度,意氣用事,則易招致失敗;沒有容人雅量,功業不會長久;想討好所有 人,到最後只動輒得咎。

這五個識人法門,也是談判者五個評分標準。達標者胸有成竹,談笑用兵(walk softly, but carry a big stick),完全不會有所謂「又愛又怕受傷害」(the mind is willing,but the body is weak)的感覺。

例:“I want to invest some money in the stock market, but I've better not because I might lose.The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”「我想投資股市,又擔心血本無歸,真是又愛又怕受傷害。」

“Even if you have the power, you should not go around stepping on top of everyone else. Carry a big stick, but walk softly!”「不要盛氣凌人,但也別忘了武裝自己,以備不時。」

【2008/11/16 經濟日報】
