2008年10月5日 星期日


leadership starts above and flows down


民眾對政府期待高,雖然明知國際大環境未臻理想,困頓在所難免(into every life some rain must fall),但政府施政從「馬上好」驟變成「馬上漸漸好」,府政黨各自為政,所造成的多頭馬車(too many chefs in the kitchen),也難辭其咎。因此有人建議,馬總統必須強勢的府政黨一把抓,重組行政團隊。

例:"Into every life some rain must fall, but we all hope that the troubles in our economy last as long as it takes rain to drip from a basket."「雖說景氣不佳,考驗在所難免,但大家都盼望股災早點結束。」


“There are too many chefs in the kitchen, but no one is stirring up the pot! ”「出主意的不少,動手做的不多。」


主政者施政關照全局(balancing needs),不必也不能偏愛某行業或族群。因此調降證交稅也好,提高內需也好,除了解決一時問題,行政團隊必須更在意,政策能否改善國內投資或就業環境 (provide a positive work environment),重建人民信心。

例:"After the regime change, the new cabinet tried to provide people with numerous initiatives and industrial balancing needs."「政權移轉以來,新內閣殫精竭慮,力求照顧到社會的全面需求。」


“The best way to compete with cheaper labor sources is for employers to provide a positive work environment which insures lower turnover, higher morale and superior productivity.”「面對廉價勞工排山倒海而來的壓力,企業主必須改變體質,改善工作環境,以降低離職率,提升士氣及良率。」

現任的內閣成員,都是在「才德兼備」的條件下,挑選出來的一時俊彥(the best and the brightest)。但由於人民望治心切,官員對於政策的解釋或辯護稍有不慎,甚至回答語氣被視為太輕佻,沒有同理心,對民生疾苦無法感同身受 (bond through mutual hardships),就會遭到圍剿,因而間接影響馬總統或劉院長的威望。

例:"We're not only looking for the best and the brightest, but the most innovative and passionate cabinet members that the premier can rely on."「內閣閣員必須才具出眾、勇於任事,以便大力輔佐行政院長。」

”Hong Ye baseball team endured very difficult and exhausting seasons. The players had bonded through mutual hardships because they work together and depend on each other for success.”「紅葉少棒成軍以來歷經種種艱辛,但這樣鍛鍊出來的團隊精神,讓球員所向無敵。」



孫子有云:「將聽吾計,用之必勝,留之;將不聽吾計,用之必敗,去之」。此話可有二解:從君主的角度,只任命聽從自己,又能達成使命的將領(此句的「將」 解釋成「將軍」);從將領的角度,也可以解釋成,如果君主不聽其計,那就只好自己辭職,以示負責(此句的「將」解釋成「假設」)。

總之,就是兵隨將轉(leadership starts above and flows down),務求下級與上級領導者價值觀一致、理念相同,才能完成任務(has to clean house)。

例:"Leadership for culture change starts at the top and flows down to managers throughout the organization. The entire executive team must share the same vision and commitment to change."「所謂兵隨將轉,改變公司文化要從上層以身作則做起。」

”The premier has to clean house and decide whom he is going to continue to support and to those he must say a tearful goodbye.”「為落實政見,行政院長不得不考慮一些閣員去留的問題。」

【2008/10/05 經濟日報】
