2006年12月3日 星期日


詹氏的說法,印證俗諺「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會作詩也會吟」(直譯"If you read the three hundred Tong poems enough,you will find that you can recite them as a poet, even if you are not a poet yourself.")因此一眼可以看穿玄機。同理,兇嫌所佈下的各種疑陣,在檢警看來,絕非亂槍打鳥(spray and pray),更不是不經大腦(leap of faith)的任意一搏。
例:"There's a spray-and-pray marketing going on--where you spray everybody and pray they get it." 「這個行銷案近乎亂槍打鳥:把訊息丟到人群,然後期盼他們自行接收、瞭解。」
"They launched the marketing campaign without any planning or thought, it is like a flying leap of faith."「行銷企畫案的整個執行過程毫無章法,根本就是瞎搞。」
成事不足 敗事有餘
根據起訴書,本案源起於李氏昆仲覬覦高額保險金。先哲勸我們立志要如星高,卻更要腳踏實地(keep your feet on the ground, but reach for the stars.),亦即不可好高鶩遠,以免作事一曝十寒(take two steps for-ward and one back或直譯"He dries the net one day, but then left it unused in the dark for ten days."),或有頭無尾(there is a head,but no tail),甚至釀成像本案「成事不足、敗事有餘」(knows just enough to be dangerous)的半調子悲劇。
例:"The manager starts the project, but the marketer fails to follow through. There is a head, but no tail in this case."「經理起草整個案子,但行銷人員未能配合貫徹,導致有頭無尾,無疾而終。」
"When John tried to fix his own plumbing he ended up breaking a pipe and flooding his bathroom. He knew just enough to be danger-ous." 「約翰想修馬桶,卻弄裂水管,搞得整個浴室鬧水災。真是成事不足,敗事有餘。」
根據檢方起訴書,兇嫌前後七次精心擘劃,以殺害妻子詐領保險金。其中還在第二次、第五次故佈疑陣,其餘五次則企圖翻車殺妻。起訴書特別指出,兇嫌絞盡腦汁,算盡各種環節,利用任何漏洞趁虛而入(find the chink in their armor),以逞狡計。此種「獅子搏兔」手段(Concentrate all your strength and attack at your enemy's weakest point.)和孫子「順詳敵之意,並敵一向,千里殺將,此謂巧能成事者也。」的兵法精髓,十分接近。
例:" Where our competitors thought their organization the strongest, we will find the chink in their armor."「我們要在敵方自認最堅強的地方,趁虛而入,克敵致勝。」
庖丁解牛 熟能生巧
孫子所謂巧能成事,一定是擘劃演練甚久的軍事行動。「庖丁解牛」這個典故,是稱讚別人熟能生巧,英文中近似的說法是「有個點物成金的手」(have a golden touch)。有了縝密的規劃,就能順利展開,行動勢如破竹(like a well oiled machine),自然目標就能十拿九穩(Out of ten attempts, nine will be successful.),手到擒來。
例:"When it comes to computer repair, Frank has the golden touch."「法蘭克是修理電腦的高手。」
"That operation went really well, it was like a well oiled machine." 「整個行動順利展開,全部上緊發條。」
"The odds are that the Brazilians will beat the Americans" 「巴西出戰美國,勝券已然在握。」(作者是陸軍官校語言中心主任)
【2006/12/03 經濟日報】
