2008年12月30日 星期二




成王敗寇 找機會放手一搏

許多人畢生努力的積蓄付諸流水,甚至束手無策,坐以待斃(sits back and smiles)。若以成敗論英雄(the ends justify the means),台灣許多企業處境艱危,稍一不慎,恐全軍覆沒。

例:“Our stock price has plummeted and we have employees quitting all over the place. The only thing our CEO can do is to sit back and smile!”「股價暴跌,員工流失,總經理只能坐以待斃。」

“The company used bribery and sex which were thought of as unfair and unjust by the competitors. But it won the bid so the ends justified the means.”「那家公司用錢用色競標,被同行不齒,但最後得標的是它,你能說什麼?」

回顧台灣經濟發展歷史,國人自身的努力,與國際經濟情勢發展,兩者相輔相成,雖然成功的機會稍縱即逝(slip away),但絕大多數企業經理人篤信「戲棚站久就是你的」(Good things come to those who wait.),埋頭苦幹(those who keep digging will eventually find water),終於有成。

例:“We were ahead by 3 points going into the 3rd inning, but we let the game slip away.”「打到前三局,我們還以三分領先,可是好景不常,最後以失敗收場。」

“If you dig long enough, you will eventually hit water. Just like what they said: good things come to those who wait! “「努力不懈,最後一定會成功,常言道:戲棚站久就是你的。」

環境險峻 埋頭苦幹更吃力

不過經營環境日漸險峻,競爭加劇的結果,許多以往靠努力就可以有成的行業,逐漸失去生存空間。企業主若能信任經營管理階層,不加干涉,給機會放手一搏 (work itself out),或許危機就能解除。但如果雙方認知有差距,甚至輸不起,經理人被迫採取不法手段經營(to throw the game away),這就與大環境無涉,不是埋頭苦幹可以解決的了。

例:“Accounting has just lost a few receipts that we need for our reporting! I should go fire someone but I'll let it work itself out.”「財務部門遺失幾張我們要報告備用的發票,我原想炒人魷魚的,後來還是決定讓他們自行改善。」

“The pitcher was bribed to throw the game away in the 9th inning!”「投手收賄打假球,在第九局放水失分。」


為了避免敵人設陷阱狙擊(bait and trap),功敗垂成,孫子提出對策:一是「圍地則謀」,一定要冷靜下來,想出對策以度難關;二是「圍地吾將塞其闕」,堵塞缺口,意在迫使士兵不得不拚死作戰。換做當前企業管理,也就是開源、節流。

有打出血路的計謀定方向,又能止血撐大局期許未來,便能從埋頭苦幹轉變成抬頭樂幹,取得最後勝利(play until the last second)。

進退兩難 打出血路拚新局

例:”We can bait and trap and shoot, and if we stop them coming in we are fighting a winning battle.”「設下埋伏,狙擊敵方,如果敵人被阻絕,我們就可以獲勝。」

“This is the last game of the year and I know we're playing a very tough team. I'm not asking for you to make perfect plays, but all I ask is that you play until the last second. Then, no matter the outcome, you will be proud of this game.”「這是今年最後一場硬仗。我不要求大家演出完美,但務必戰到最後一刻。這樣不管結果如何,我們都可以無愧於心。」


【2008/12/28 經濟日報】
