2005年4月10日 星期日


■ 台北訊
How did Giant shift from OEM to ODM and OBM operations? Also, how did Giant effectively lead a network of manufacturers to continually grow and at the same time entrench and strengthen its own position relative to its network-partners?
1. Giant's transformation from OEM to OBM operations was a natural reaction to the forces engaging them in the industry. The key was not to create completely new infrastructure for one to advance and utilize, but to adjust oneself to the existing infrastructure and competitive environment. It was only after Giant's experience working with Schwinn that allowed them to finally come to the conclusion of the harsh realities and uncertainties of OEM and the limitations of not having one's own R&D or technology. This compelled Giant to begin with basic quality improvements, strengthening of R&D and innovation, allocating more resources to effective supply chain management. Such actions allowed the companies to position themselves to create and manage their own brand names as bicycle producers and marketers.
Moreover, "Giant" continued to provide ODM work to avoid from becoming too narrow-sighted when it came to R&D. This allowed Giant to work with and interact with other global companies in order to understand their R&D and innovative abilities. By leveraging the capital and technical skills gained from its OEM / ODM work, Giant succeeded in a smooth transition to OBM operations.
2. Since bicycles manufacturing has the characteristics of a central satellite industry, Giant plays a pivotal role in the success and leadership of this industry. In order to guide an integrated manufacturing system to provide added-value products and avoid the myopic migration of industry to Mainland China solely based on cost-concerns, Giant began a qualitative transition from OEM to ODM and then finally to OBM. After this was accomplished, Giant approached its main rival and other vendors to create the A-Team. This arrangement allowed the A-Team to compete with Mainland Chinese bicycle manufacturers not only with respect to cost, but also quality and innovation. The success of the A-Team has attracted experienced and established distributors to their camp and also has proved the logics and concepts of such "co-opetition" strategy .
1. 巨大從OEM、ODM走向OBM營運模式的過程,可以說是一篇「無心插柳柳成蔭」的傳奇故事。巨大痛下決心耕耘品牌的時點是在美國大廠Schwinn抽單之後,體認到代工關係的不確定性和研發製造受制於人的困窘,迫使巨大從最根本的品質改良、加強研發創新,以迄末端的通路經營,投入大量資源以建構更完整的價值鏈,進而順利轉型為擁有自我品牌的自行車大廠。
2. 由於自行車產業的中衛體系特性,成車廠扮演產業中龍頭的角色。為了帶領整體產業走向更高附加價值之路線,避免一味地西進大陸停留在成本競爭的惡性循環。巨大在經歷OEM→ODM→OBM的蛻變過程後,結合產業中另一競爭對手美利達與十餘家高品質零組件廠商共同合作打造A-team,以更高層次的合作型態對抗大陸自行車之低廉產品以進行有效市場區隔。A-Team目前已吸引國外知名通路商加入,使得此一新興策略網絡的競爭優勢愈形鞏固。A-Team的成功除驗證了學理上的競合(co-opetition)策略的邏輯概念。
【2005/04/10 經濟日報】
