2004年12月26日 星期日

The hallenges 21世紀科技管理的挑戰

■ 陳敏祐(Albert Chen)
"Change" is not merely a negligible amount, or money returned when the payment exceeds the amount due. "Change" – the process of transformation, a shift in thinking, has actually become essential in our rapidly changing business world. Unless we "change," we will receive no "change."
The powerful and ubiquitous Internet, an agent without physical and geographical boundaries, of course, is seated at the center of this change and globalization, affecting consumers and retailers alike, and causing technology management in business to look to a new vision and new disciplines:
1.Move from a Producers' Market to a Buyers' Market
To be successful and profitable in any product or service, creation and innovation should be based on the buyers' needs (through research) rather than management's ideas.
Voicemail and SMS on mobile phones have helped service providers generate millions of dollars, becoming the cash cow for the unforeseeable future because of customers' demands. In contrast, Coca-Cola's New Coke, American Express' Blue Optima, and Webvan's online groceries failed because of a discrepancy between the buyers' and the producers' markets.
2.Leverage the Global Advantage
Since the market demands a multifaceted drive for greater speed (speed to the market, more rapid product design, and a quicker inventory turnover), geographically positioning various corporate functions in relation to your customers is crucial.
One can also take advantage of the regional knowledge base formation and capabilities. Silicon Valley in the U.S. concentrates on systems and chips architecture, global marketing and capital investment; Taiwan focuses on valued added IC design, productization and advance IC manufacturing; China is known for regional distribution and low-cost manufacturing; and India specializes in IT Software coding and development.
3.Manage Converging Technologies
Most "smart" cell phones now have a bundle service (triple play: voice, data, and video combined), and no doubt utilizes new waves of innovation, combining information and communication technologies from the Internet, productivity tools, and even a service industry. And the convergence of biotechnology and information technology has also become a reality – through bioinformatics, biochips, biomaterials, and the commercialization of nanotechnologies – which means new training and new management skill sets are required in order to stay ahead in managing converging technologies.
4.Design "Made-to-Order" Applications
The Internet keeps advancing the art of "mass customization"– from made-to-order Levi's jeans to Dell computers, with nearly all of their $47 billion in annual sales falling into this category. Experience the sophistication of the software application yourself by visiting www.mytwinn.com, www.nikeid.com, or www.chipndough.com. The technology trend for made-to-order possibilities on the web is truly limitless, indicating that the applications will extend from retailers and consumers to commercial and enterprises before too long.
In conclusion, in the 21st century technology, management should pay attention to the buyers' market, and find out what they want and need to improve their life styles and productivity. To leverage global advantage and regional location, you need to understand the value-added activities that compose the global commodity chain. To manage converging technologies you need to pull together the disciplines of combined knowledge and capabilities. To design made-to-order applications, you need to meet and listen to the new Internet generation and to reduce the supply chain cost. Unless we "change," we will receive no "change."
(Prof. in IMBA of NCCU, President
& CEO of Telamon Corporation)
「Change」並不僅僅是無關緊要的小錢,或是付錢時找回的零錢而已;「Change」是轉變的過程、想法的轉移,而且已經硬生生地變成了我們迅速變遷的商業世界中的基本元素。除非我們學會改變,否則將無法獲得成長。 強而有力且普遍存在的網際網路就像是我們跨越形體及地理界線的代理人,理所當然的成為這波改變浪潮及全球化的核心,除了影響消費者及零售商外,一樣地也促使企業科技管理朝向一個新的視野及新的方法轉變:
1. 從生產者市場導向轉變為消費者市場導向
由於消費市場的大量需求, 手機的語音留言和行動簡訊已幫業者賺了大筆的鈔票,出人意料的成為一隻金雞母。相反地,像是可口可樂新研發的可樂、美國運通的藍盒運顯卡以及美國大型網上百貨店Webvan都是因為產品不受到消費者的青睞,而終究導致失敗。
2. 利用全球化的優勢
3. 管理整合科技
4. 產品設計「客製化」
網際網路的發達使得傳統訂單式生產得以大量客製化,從Levi's牛仔褲到高科技的Dell電腦,每年有將近470億元投入於這個市場。若是想要多瞭解這項電腦科技,請檢閱網站:www.mytwinn.com, www.nikeid.com, www.chipn-dough.com. 研究指出,在網路上客製化的科技趨勢有無限發展的空間,其應用將從零售商、消費者延伸到消費市場和企業上。
【2004/12/26 經濟日報】
