2008年12月1日 星期一







有時候大環境不佳,怎麼努力都枉然。台灣人愛拚經濟,許多人篤信「愛拚才會贏」(no risk, no reward),日夜拚搏,創造了經濟奇蹟。不過,追求財富的過程中,貪心不足蛇吞象(you want what you can't have),遊走法律邊緣,一心只想成功的情況,也時有所聞。

例:“They said without risk, there is no reward.Indeed, playing it safe may guarantee you security,but you will not get rich by betting on the sure thing every time.”「俗話說得好:馬無夜草不肥,人無橫財不富。」

“I don't know why but can't stop thinking about winning the lottery! I know it is almost impossible but it just seems so attractive to me! I always want what I can't have!”「明知買威力彩中大獎幾乎等於零,但有夢最美,我就是想不開。」

富裕之後,人們出手闊綽,不料金融風暴來襲,股市探底,經濟衰退隱憂讓民眾緊縮消費,體驗到「人在福中不知福」(didn't know how much it meant to me until it was gone)的痛苦。

全球化盤根錯節的經濟和金融問題,單一政府的作為效果有限,只落得遠水救不了近火(run out of gas),這便是大環境使然,與個人努力與否無關。

例:“I never appreciated my job so much until I lost it. I guess I didn't know how much it meant to me until it was gone.”「失業後,才體會先前的工作對我有多重要,這叫做人在福中不知福。」

“It is a perfect solution but is too far away. I'll be out of gas by then.”「立意甚佳,可惜遠水救不了近火。」

小至個人,大至國家,大環境好的時候,即使體質差,也能混得不錯;一旦景氣變差,應變無方,就釀成巨禍。以開車比喻,路況順暢時,爛車也能開得飛快 (open roads);不過交通阻塞(a road block),每個駕駛人變成問題的一部分,車況好的可以撐到終點,平常沒有保養的車子,很可能就熄火拋錨。

這種「找不到出路」(running in circles)的阻塞路況,用來描述陷入困境的公司經營,也很貼切。

例:“Sun Yat-sen Highway is open roads until you get to Lin-kou exit and then it's a big road block for about 5 kilometers.”「中山高一路通暢,但在林口交流道阻塞,長約五公里。」

“We've been running in circles for this new boss for a month now, but I don't think the company has really improved because we have no plan!”「新老闆上台,公司業績並沒有馬上好,這是沒有整體規劃的結果。」



企業經營不善,問題不完全在員工,而在老闆管理方法不當。一旦大環境變差,公司就有四面楚歌(everywhere at once)之困。另一方面,要學習瘦鵝忍飢耐餓、刻苦耐勞,困境 時堅忍鍛練,等待機會;一旦機會到來,就會迅速地強壯肥大起來。

這樣的企業主,最後反而變成影響力無所不在(everywhere at once)的大將軍,讓人覺得四面楚歌,這是因為他知己知彼,更能克服大環境的挑戰。

例:“Forced to defend itself everywhere at once,our company suffered a multitude of small to major defeats which added up to an overall disaster.”「挑戰紛至沓來,公司終於一蹶不振。」

“My boss knows how to delegate authority and get many tasks completed in a very small amount of time.He is everywhere we go and is there ready for us.”「老闆懂得授權,能快速同時解決許多問題,甚至比我們還進入狀況,我們都感受到他無所不在的壓力。」

【2008/11/30 經濟日報】
