2006年10月29日 星期日

學者難管的 七宗罪(英漢對照)

【經濟日報/Lucy Kellaway】
If I had to write down all the senior management positions I would hate to hold the list would go on forever. All big man-agement jobs are beastly: they are stressful and frustrating and almost always end in failure.
Yet at the top of my list of undesirable jobs would be running Harvard University, where Larry Summers resigned as president last week - just in time to save himself the ignominy of a vote of no confidence. It is not just the top slot at Harvard I would turn down. It is the head of any university, in particular a successful one.
The point of being at the helm of a ship (or organisation) is that you get to steer the thing. In most companies changing course is hard; at big,successful universities it seems impossible. The reason is that academics, especially good ones, make employees from hell. There is little about their abilities,dispo-sitions or the structure of their work that e-quips them to be components in a modern, flexible organisation. I can think of seven things that make them entirely unsuited for such a part.
1. They are very clever. This is not an ad-vantage in most institutions as it means that they can think for themselves. (They may not actually be that clever, but they think they are - which may be worse.)
2. Some have spectacularly low levels of emotional intelligence, which is often more im-portant than IQ in getting things done.
3. They are not team players, to put it mildly. Many are introverted. Moreover, the structure of university life means their col-leagues (in most subjects save science) are their rivals.
4. Criticism is a way of life. The mind of the academic is trained to pull holes in things. So when presented with a new initiative, they question it and deem it a waste of time as a matter of course.
5. There is no line of authority. In a big company everyone sucks up to their bosses and agrees with them. In a university, there is less to be gained by brown-nosing, so dis-agreement prevails.
6. They are complacent and have an interest in the status quo that has given them secure jobs and pensions.
7. Because their status largely depends on their research, which may only be understood by a tiny number of people, insecurity, petti-ness and bitchiness often result.
The grander the university the bigger the egos and the worse all these factors tend to be.
Universities function adequately enough when everyone is left to their own devices. Incompetent management seems not to matter, the ship goes on sailing. The trouble comes when dras-tic change is needed.
【2006/10/29 經濟日報】
