2004年12月5日 星期日


■ Charles Trappy、于卓民 Joseph Yu、蘇瓜藤

Robert Suany of Taiwan's premier business schools use cases to train students , and the most popular cases are those purchased from the Harvard Business School as well as from first tier universities in America and Europe. NCCU's IMBA program is taking the process a step further. Not only are we using cases to train students, we are using the task of writing cases – planning the case, interviewing executives, writing the case, formulating the teaching notes, and preparing the final draft for publication as an important part of the education experience. The case writing and editing approach is similar to a law review journal where students form the editorial review board and publish scholarly works.
The key learning points that we hope students to achieve from writing a case include learning to work as a team, efficient interaction with companies (planning interviews and phone contacts), efficient interaction with professors (case status reporting and teaching), improved coordination and English communication skills, and the ability to identify real-world problems and propose feasible solutions for implementation. The course is especially valuable for international students who are interested in learning about Asian business management through actual on-site experiences.
The process of writing a case begins with the kick-off meeting. The students meet with the case study advisors and discuss the aspects and requirements of writing a case for publication and training. The group is asked to select a company to study, establish a time-line for completing the task, assign responsibilities, and begin the research process. All cases require a thorough analysis of secondary data before the students are allowed to visit companies. That is, the students must be confident that they understand the company that they are studying and have already identified potential problems before any interview is conducted in the field. Arranging good interviews with key people is an important part of writing the case. The students are asked to decide on who to interview, to arrange the time and place of the interviews, to prepare the questions to be asked, and to represent the university and the program in a positive light. Unless the students can win the confidence of the companies they interview, generate a good and professional impression, the interview will end in failure – little real data will be obtained from the company and the case will resemble a report more than a case.
When preparing the students to go out in the field to collect data, the professors advise the students to
1.Review existing cases and find an example to model.
2.Identify a protagonist, a person in the company that will lead the telling of the story and drive the case action forward.
3.Stage the problem using interview dialogues and field data.
4.Make assumptions about the business environment, relationships, and problem.
5.Provide the history and background of the company but also describe the business environment, industry, and market.
The first case prepared by the IMBA students is called “Taiwan Beer: Challenging the Status Quo.” The case effort began with an extensive review of the Taiwan beer market. Next, the group identified the unique aspects of the Taiwan Beer company: the need to re-position the product, the unique nature of the corporate structure, the aggressive competition in the beer marketplace, and the efforts to privatize the former government monopoly. The students wrote a Harvard style case that focuses on the competitive advantage of Taiwan beer's production and distribution as well as their opportunities to expand their brand in the global marketplace. The case and the teaching notes have been successfully tested and evaluated at the National Chiao Tung University, NCCU, and the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.

