2004年11月7日 星期日

智慧資本家的思維On Intellectual Capital【2004/11/07 經濟日報】

■ 高希均 于卓民 譯

In line with the speech delivered by Dr. Kao, which focused on the issue of knowledge from a personal perspective, the evaluation, management, and development of in-tellectual capital have become impera-tive for firms in the knowledge-based economy.
The growing discrepancy between market value and book value of a firm is largely attributed to intellectual capital. There is growing criticism that the traditional balance sheet does not take account of those intangible factors that largely determine a company's value and its growth prospects. Tradi-tional accounting methods examine the past and measure physical assets only. Today,new methods have been devel-oped to measure the value of intellec-tual capital neglected before.
We recognize nowadays that the source of value creation for a firm lies more in its intellectual capital, which is intangible, than in its tangible assets. Unlike tangible assets, intellectual cap-ital usually does not depreciate in val-ue over time but rather constantly in-creases its contribution to the firm. Cultivating and circulating intellectual capital throughout the organization is increasingly critical to a firm's success in the market place, especially in a global setting.
An increasingly popular classification in the West divides intellectual capital of a firm into three categories:

1. Human capital - those in the minds of individuals, such as knowledge, competences, experience, know-how, and etc.

2. Structural capital - including process, information system, database, and etc.

3. Relationship (or customer) capital -customer relation-ship, brands, trademarks, and etc.
Realizing the importance of intel-lectual capital research and development, the Taiwan government, in year 2003, set up its Taiwan Intellectual Capital Research Center that is cur-rently affiliated with the National Chengchi University. We are certain that a localized research will produce more relevant findings for our local firms in formulating better implementations to enhance their competitive-ness.

